The word arthritis means inflammation of the joints. it is derived from the Greek words athron, meaning joints and it is meaning inflammation.It is, generally, a chronic disease process.
Arthritis occurs in various forms, the most frequent being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which usually occurs in the older age-group. Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease which affects not only the joints of the fingers, wrist, hips, knees, and feet, but also the muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body.
The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness of the joints. The pain usually increases after exercise. Rheumatoid arthritis is often called the cooked footed disease. It usually develops gradually over several months, with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more joints. symptoms include anemia, colitis, constipation, deformed hands and feet.
Osteoarthritis results from structural changes in the articular cartilage in the joints, usually those which are weight bearing, such as the spine and knee. Rheumatoid arthritis is due to an inflammation of the synovium or lining of the joints.This is accompanied by swelling and eventually leads to deformity. The condition may be caused by hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, infection, severe fright, shock, and injury. Hereditary factors may also be responsible for the onset of this disease.

POTATO JUICE: The raw potato juice therapy is considered one of the most successful biological treatments for rheumatic and arthritis conditions. It has been used in folk medicine for centuries. The traditional method of preparing potato juice is to cut a medium sized potato into thin slices, without peeling the skin and place the slices overnight in a large glass filled with cold water. The water should drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Fresh juice can also be extracted from potatoes and diluted and drunk in the empty stomach in morning.
Studies have shown that calcium can help arthritis. Several patients have discovered that joint pains have either been relieved or have disappeared entirely after taking calcium. This mineral should be taken in the form of calcium lactate. Two teaspoons of calcium lactate,each teaspoon providing 400mg of absorb-able calcium may be taken three times daily in water before meals for at least four months.
Garlic is another effective remedy for arthritis. It contains an anti-inflammatory property which accounts for its effectiveness in the treatment of this disease. Garlic may be taken raw or cooked according to individual preference.
LIME: Lime has also been found beneficial as a home remedy for arthritis. The citric acid found in lime is a solvent of uric acid which is the primary cause of some types of arthritis. The juice of lime. diluted with water cay be taken once a day preferably first thing in the morning.
Warm coconut oil or mustard oil, mixed with two or three pieces of camphor should be massaged on stiff and aching joints. It will increase blood supply, and reduces inflammation and stiffness with the gentle warmth produces while massaging. Camphorated oil is an ancient rubefacient used for the purpose.


Flu is also commonly known as influenza, is the clinical condition that results from infection with influenza virus. Modern medicine has not able to indict any of the known microbes as the causative factor in influenza and talks of a virus of the influenza group, its three varieties being named, A,B and C,. Influenza has struck various parts of the world in an epidemic form in the 19th and 20th centuries and has taken a toll of millions of people. Influenza epidemic are periodically reported from various parts of the world. Not surprising influenza A H1N1 (swine flu) emerged in Mexico and started spreading throughout the world. Influenza is highly contagious and it has the potential to cause a wide spread epidemic. No disease germs can find lodgement and become active in the system of a person who is perfectly healthy in the true sense of the term.

Influenza is passed on with ease from the affected person to many others who are also in an equally low vital state. The real cause of its development is with those toxic in run-down condition of the body. It originates through a lowering of the vitality of the individual. Such a state is brought about by dietic errors and a faulty style of living such as mental tension, overwork, lack of rest, living in stuffy rooms, keeping late hours. It is interesting to note that most influenza epidemics have started and do start during or just after winter; sometime it strikes people at the junction of the seasons.
The main effects of influenza viruses are on the respiratory tract, the nose, and throat, with possible spread and involvement of the lungs and bronchi. Its cardinal symptoms are fever, body ache, sore throat, severe muscular pain. The patient feels miserable and weak. There is an inflammation in the nose and throat, which may spread down the windpipe to the lungs resulting in a sore throat, cough, running of the nose and eyes.
In acute stage of influenza the patient should abstain from all solid foods and only liquid diets and fruits and vegetable juice diluted with water on a 50:50 bases for the first three days, depending on the severity of the condition. This may be followed by fruits and milk diet for two to three days. Thereafter, the patient may adopt a well balanced diet of natural foods with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables. He should avoid spices, alcohol, tobacco, strong tea, coffee, highly season dishes, non-veg, potatoes, rice, refine products, tinned, stale foods.
WATER: During the course of the fever, the natural way of reducing temperature is by means of sponging the body with cold water. This should be applied several times a day. Large intake of water is advice.
This will help great fully if taken in the initial stage of influenza. Take 1/3 a teaspoon of the powder and ½ a teaspoon of ginger juice sweeten with honey, should be taken thrice daily. It is especially useful in avoiding further complication.
Ginger is also a wonderful remedy in influenza. A teaspoonful of ginger juice is mixed with two to three teaspoonful of honey in a glass of luke warm water and should be taken three to four times a day. Instead of pure water decoction of fenugreek water can be used for more effective result. The decoction is prepared by boiling two to three teaspoonfuls of fenugreek seeds in a half a litre of water boiled under a low flame till it reduce by half.
Garlic and onion are also another effective remedy in influenza. Ground three to four cloves of garlic with half medium seize of onion (preferably white) sweeten them with two teaspoon of pure honey. This preparation should be taken daily twice or thrice.
Another effective remedy for this disease is the green leaves of basil plant. Handful of this green leaves should be boiled with some ginger in a half litre of water under a low flame till about ½ the water is left. This decoction is taken as tea thrice daily, which gives immediate relief to the suffering.



Influenza AH1N1 is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A strains of the influenza virus - H1N1 Virus. It is also called “swine Flu”. A new strain of H1N1 is a deadly mixture of viruses from pigs, birds and humans. Over 2000 cases and 160 deaths have already been reported. During March/April 2009, a new strain of influenza AH1N1emerged in Mexico and started causing illness in humans.


The influenza AH1N1 virus is thought to spread in the same way as seasonal flu; in tiny droplets, expelled from the mouth and nose of an infected person when they talk, sneeze, and cough. People may get infected if they breathe in those droplets or if they touch someone or something that is contaminated with the virus and then touch their nose, mouth or eyes.


The symptoms in influenza AH1N1 is usually similar to the symptoms of normal seasonal influenza. These include sudden fever, coughing, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, sore throat, tiredness, and lack of appetite. Also, diarrhoea and vomiting are present more than in normal flu.


There‘s no vaccine for humans as also in common cold and AIDS. Modern medicine has found out some medicine like Tamiflu and Relenza which are to be effective when taken in early stage. According to Natural way of treatment, the same method for influenza (flu) can be adopted. Beside, Homoeopathic treatments can be well adopted, such as Allium cepa, Allium sat, Aconite, Bell, Bap, Bry, Eup.perf, Puls, Verat.alb, and Zingiber.


No, it is not safe to eat pork. It is forbidden animal and an unclean animal. Bible says in Leviticus 11:7-8 “And the swine, though he divides the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud, he is unclean to you”. “Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you”.


Good hygiene is one way that can protect you and your family from wide range of infection including influenza AH1N1. These are the golden hygiene rules that everyone should follow to prevent the spread of infections:
When you /others cough or sneeze, cover your nose mouth with handkerchief/tissue. Dispose them after use.
Wash hands after you come in contact/ shake hands with a person who has flu and touching hard surfaces which are used by people very often eg. Door handle, toilet flushes etc. Thorough and frequent hand washing is an important method of preventing infections.
Avoid being in public places or crowed area like theatre, club, restaurant etc.


Common cold is known as coryza or catarrh of the upper respiratory tract caused by common cold viruses. A common cold occurs more often hence, its name. It may be caused by a variety of factors. The most common being of sudden changes of temperature, dust, exposure to cold, low vitality, lack of sleep, fatigue, and other irritating inhalation etc. A common cold is an extremely irritating condition. You are not sick enough to lie on bed, yet not well enough to consult a doctor.

A Common cold usually la
st from three to ten days. The patient feels miserable for the first three days but in the case of weak constitution a cold may lead to more serious diseases like Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Laryngitis, etc. The initial of common cold are feeling soreness of throat, congestion of nasal passage and gradually affects the whole parts of the body. Its usual symptoms are sneezing, rise of temperature, running nose with headache, soreness and burning around the nostril, sore throat, chill, ache and pain in whole body, loss of appetite, heaviness of head and loss of smell.


Vitamin C: According to Dr. Lenus Pauling a Nobel Prize winning scientist state that regular intake of vitamin C 75 mg for adults and 35 mg for children will prevent the common cold. If however that person is suffering large dose of this vitamin will relieve the symptom and shorten its duration. Rich sources of vitamin C are also found in Cabbage, Drum stick & Leaf, Parsley, Indian Gooseberry, Turnip greens, Guava, Limes, Orange, etc.

The most important component of vitamin C is Lemon, which increases the body resistance decrease, decrease toxicity, reduces the duration of illness and it’s an antibiotic. One medium size of lemon juice is diluted in warm water and add a teaspoon full of honey, which should be taken twice daily.

Garlic contains antiseptic, antibiotic and anti spasmodic properties besides several other medicinal virtues. It reduces the severity of cold; it flushes out all toxins from the system and brings down the fever. A soup is prepared by boiling 3 – 4 cloves of chopped garlic in a cup of water under a low flame.

Ginger is also a marvellous remedy for cold and cough. About 10gm of ginger are chopped and boiled in a glass of water. It should be strained and taken with honey.

Holy Basin (TULSI):
This herb is useful in treating many common elements like cough and cold.


Acne causes a great deal of embarrassment when people tend to be sensitive about their personal appearance. Acne is an inflammatory skin disease affecting the sebaceous glands (glands which produce and oily secretion) and hair follicles. These glands are especially large upon the nose where their openings are clearly visible. The lesions are usually found on the skin of the face, neck, chest, back and shoulder. It occurs in both sexes particularly between the ages of 14 to 25. In women it tends to become worse during menstruation. Acne consists of small superficial sebaceous cyst, black head or comedones which indicate the mouth of small sebaceous ducts chocked with dust or dirt, from which a long, wormy- looking fatty mass can be squeezed.

Acne is the bane of the beauty conscious female and a boon for the drug manufactures. Millions of people find employment in the production of lotions, creams and drugs claiming to expense but without effective results. The only thing that they do is to suppress the action of the sebaceous glands temporally.


  • All forms of acne appears in wrong eating habits such as excessive consumption of starch, fatty food, deep fried items, sugar, irregular interval of eating.
  • Imbalance of hormonal secretion.
  • Dyspepsia
  • Chronic constipation. When the bowel movement is not regular, the waste matter is not eliminated as quickly as it should be and the blood stream becomes surcharged with toxic matter. The skin makes an extra effort to eliminate excess waste matter results in acne and other forms of skin diseases.


  • The surest cure is to improve your diet which must not contain any sugar, fat, tea, coffee, alcohol or tobacco as it tends to increase acidity and hence dyspepsia and constipation.
  • Since constipation is the major cause for acne, it will be wise to review my previous blog on constipation.
  • Another way to deal with acne is dietary which should include fruits, vegetables, salads, sprouted seeds, and nuts.
  • Hygiene of the whole body must be looked after properly and a lot of fresh air, exercise and wash should be taken to reactivate the pores to expel the poison from the body through profuse sweating and cleansing.
  • Take plenty of fresh water so that your bladder ejects the toxic matter through its activity.
  • Hot fomentation should be applied locally or steaming of face can open up the pores and to bring out the morbid matter, after about 15 to 20 minutes of this treatment follow up with cold water wash.
  • Deep swabs of cotton in freshly prepared lime and rub it on your face or affected area gently. Let the juice dry on itself and then wash it after sometime. This process not only removes the dirt from the pores but also gives it a glow of freshness.
  • Grated cucumber applied over the area leaving it for 30 minutes is also an enhancing method and best tonic for the skin.
  • Paste of fenugreek leaves applied over the affected area every night before going to bed and morning wash with warm water it prevents pimples and black heads.
  • Pounded orange peels with water applied regularly are also a beneficial treatment in acne.
  • Vitamin A, E and niacin taken as therapeutic purpose has been treated successfully.


AVOCADO: Avocado is a valuable range in solving bad breath. This is far superior to any mouth lotion or remedies. It plays a main role in controlling intestinal putrefaction which is one of the most important causes of bad breath.
FENUGREEK: Fenugreek counts to be the best home remedy for halitosis. Tea is made from this seed and taken regularly till you find an effective result. Tea is prepared by putting one teaspoon of fenugreek in ½ a litre of water and allows it to simmer for 20 minutes over a low flame. Then it should be strain and take it as tea.
GUAVA: Chewing tender leaves of guava also checks dental problems like bleeding gum and bad breath. Unripe Guava can be taken which is useful in bad breath. They are rich in oxalic, tannic, malic and phosphoric acids and as well as calcium, oxalate and manganese. Chewing unripe guava is also an excellent tonic for the tooth and gum.

Bad breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath is a problem few can admit and even fewer will point out. It's especially difficult to detect since a person can't smell his or her own breath. Bad breath (medically termed halitosis) is a common problem faced by a large number of people these days. The problem can turn out to be quite depressing and embarrassing at times to the afflicted person as well as the people around. Treatment of bad breath should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the problem rather than adopting camouflaging measures such as mouth fresheners, mouthwashes etc.

Causes may be local or systemic. The local causes related to halitosis include wearing dentures or partial dentures, faulty dental fillings, drifted, moved or extruded teeth, gingivitis, gum or tooth abscesses, oral cancer and xerostomia or dry mouth. 
The human being has over 400 species of different types of bacteria in the mouth of which about fourteen of them, mainly anaerobic bacteria, cause bad breath by releasing sulfur odors. Halitosis is caused by volatile sulfur compounds (VSC – mainly hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan), which are released by the break down of proteins by bacteria. These sulfur compounds are odorous and lousy tasting. Bad breath mostly comes from the back of the tongue, not the stomach or teeth. Most of the odor contributing to bad-breath is produced by anaerobic bacteria, which grow on the back of the tongue. Tongue cleaning reduces mouth odor by 75 percent. The anaerobic bacteria have beneficial effects also as they aid in digestion by breaking down proteins. Persons suffering from badbreath due to oral causes are found to have abnormally high numbers of anaerobic bacteria in the oral cavity. An agent called halimeter is used by some of the specialists which aids in measuring the concentration of sulphide molecules in breath of patients – which in turn gives an assessment about the degree of badbreath the patient has. 

Systemic medical conditions contribute to a significant percentage of halitosis cases. Diseases afflicting the nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and the gastrointestinal system – the body parts which are anatomically linked to the mouth – are also found to contribute to halitosis. Eg. conditions like sinusitis, pharyngitis, common cold, bronchitis and asthma, tonsillitis, indigestion and acidity, constipation, etc. are found to cause bad breath. Persons suffering from colds and sinusitis often have postnasal drips of mucus which is rich in protein. Breakdown of the proteins by anaerobes cause release of VSCs causing the bad breath. Medical conditions such as diabetes, renal failure, liver dysfunction, hormonal imbalance etc. are also found to cause halitosis.

Food and tobacco are contributing factors to halitosis but are not a primary cause. Very spicy foods, such as onions and garlic (they contain sulfur compounds called mercaptans), and coffee may be detected on a person's breath for up to 72 hours after digestion. Onions, for example, are absorbed by the stomach and the odor is then excreted through the lungs. Studies even have shown that garlic rubbed on the soles of the feet can show up on the breath. There are 4 categories of food which are found to increase the problem of badbreath by causing an increase in sulfide production by bacteria – drying agents (cigarettes, alcohol), dense protein foods (diary foods, meat and fish) sugars and acids (coffee, fruit juices such as those of citrus, orange, tomato, grapes, pineapple etc.) – all these stimulate growth of anaerobic bacteria.

Even stress, dieting, snoring, age and hormonal changes can have an effect on your breath.

Morning breath - Saliva is the key ingredient in your mouth that helps keep the odor under control because it helps wash away food particles and bacteria, the primary cause of bad breath. When you sleep, however, salivary glands slow down the production of saliva allowing the bacteria to grow inside the mouth. To alleviate "morning mouth," brush your teeth and eat a morning meal. Morning mouth also is associated with hunger or fasting. Those who skip breakfast, beware because the odor may reappear even if you've brushed your teeth. Remaining still for long hours with restricted movement of the tongue and jaws such as while traveling long distances, slows down salivary production and will also be associated with bad breath due to the reasons mentioned above. 


Proper tooth brushing twice a day and flossing will help to maintain good oral hygiene thereby aiding in reducing bad breath. Tongue cleaning is also an essential part of oral hygiene measures. Dentists recommend using a tongue scraper as part of a daily dental hygiene routine that includes brushing and flossing. This can definitely help control bad breath. Persons using removable dentures are advised to remove them at night and clean them. They may be worn in the morning after morning brushing. 

Drier your mouth, the worse your badbreath gets. Drink more water… it helps in arresting activity and growth of anaerobic bacteria. Seven of the top ten prescription medications cause dry mouth thereby resulting in halitosis. Eg. antidepressants, antihypertensives, antianginal drugs, some antacids and antihistaminics.

Chewing sugar-free gum also may help control the odor. If you have dentures or a removable appliance, such as a retainer or mouthguard, clean the appliance thoroughly before placing it back in your mouth. Before you use mouth rinses, deodorizing sprays or tablets, talk with your dentist because these products only mask the odor temporarily, and some products work better than others.

Mouthfreshners and other related items

Very often they are only short-term solutions. Most of the products work for an hour or two and after that the bad breath returns with increased severity. Many of them kill the bacteria to help decrease odor, besides generating a pleasant odor which also helps mask bad-breath. A common ingredient in breath freshener products is alcohol, which dries out the mouth, making the bacteria grow faster. Eg. Listerine pocket packs, Trioral breath rinse.

Visit your dentist regularly because checkups will help detect any physical problems. Checkups also help get rid of the plaque and bacteria that build up on your teeth. If you think that you suffer from bad breath, your dentist can help determine its source. He or she may ask you to schedule a separate appointment to find the source of the odor. Or, if your dentist believes that the problem is caused from a systemic source (internal), such as an infection, he or she may refer you to your family physician or a specialist to help remedy the cause of the problem.

Tongue cleaning – important aspects

  • The total bacteria count on the dorsum of the tongue can be reduced as much as 50 percent after one day of tongue scraping in comparison to one week of tongue brushing to achieve the same results.

  • Tongue scraping significantly reduces dental plaque by 33 percent without causing any deleterious tissue changes in the tongue.

  • Tongue scraping is especially important for heavy smokers, mouth breathers, or those who do not use their dentures due to unduly coated tongues.

  • Tongue scraping reduces a source of halitosis, root caries, and improves taste acuity and interest in different varieties of food in the elderly.

  • The toothbrush is designed specifically to remove plaque from teeth. It is not designed to clean the tongue's histological structure effectively.

  • Daily hygiene of the tongue is an important part of total mouth care, in addition to brushing and flossing.


Rectify your constipation by following this:

*Treatment starts form your kitchen

*Restrain from refine foods and synthetic drinks

*Have more sugarcane juice than sugar

*Have more natural drinks than bottle drinks

*Avoid over boiled milk

*Eat without adulterate a food with spices

*Take foods in their natural form

*Food should contain lots of fruits, vegetables, salads like cucumber, spinach, carrot, tomatoes,cabbage, and lettuce.

* If you have crossed 40 do not exceed two meals in a day, fruits can be taken liberally.

*Drink lots of water 1 hour before and 2 hour after meals, 3 to 4 lts in summer and 1 to 2 lts in winter.

*Have fruits like papaya, grapes, orange, figs and bael fruit which regarded to be the best laxatives.

*Raw spinach juice- 100 ml mixed with equal quantity of water taken twice daily

*Avoid preservative food products, biscuit, cakes, fleshy foods

*In your daily exercise include some abdominal exercise

*Refrain from mental tension

*As soon as you get up from bed take a glass of luke warm water and squeeze ½ piece of lemon     juice sweeten with honey

*Take about of ½ kg of wet mud or clay knead it into a dough like consistency and spread eventually on your abdomen(from navel to pubes) for about ½ an hour in the morning after that  have some long walk.

*Visit the toilet as you usually do even if the call is not there


Constipation is an unnatural and abnormal condition of digestive tract. It means hardening of stool, with difficult to void stool. This condition is the chief cause of many diseases as it produces toxin in the body. Diseases like rheumatism, gout, obesity, appendicitis, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, many skin problems etc.

If your body is unable to expel the waste matter after the digestive organ have taken essential elements it leads to further putrification which leads to poisoning of the whole system. When you are suffering from constipation you might have:

Headache, dizziness, dullness, heaviness, fullness of abdomen, inactive, coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, depression, unclean skin like pimples, boil, nausea, dark circle under the eyes, restless sleep, acidity, pain in lumbar region, heart burns, irritation, flatulence, etc.


· Because most of the causes are due to faulty diet and life style of living.

· You are gone far from natural way of living.

· To cop up with this civilization, we make short cuts which directly affects our system.

· Intake of refine and rich foods lacking in vitamins and minerals.

· Insufficient intake of water.

· Large consumption of non-veg.

· Insufficient chewing of our meals.

· Weakness of abdominal muscle due to sedentary habits.

· Lack of physical activity.

· Stress and strain way of living.

· Frequent use of purgatives.

· Lack of salads and green vegetables in your diets.


JAMBUL FRUITS (jam): It’s an effective home remedy as a specific against diabetes, because of its action on the pancreas. Whole fruit along with its seeds are useful medication. The seeds are dried powdered and stored in a tied container for daily use. A teaspoonful of this dried power seed with water or milk should be taken daily twice.
With its high contain of vitamin C it is fully proved that Indian gooseberry is likely to reduce the blood sugar in diabetes condition. To make more effective add 1 teaspoonful of this juice mix with ½ glass of bitter gourd juice and should be taken daily for not less than two months.

Bitter Gourd has been recognized that it contains a hypoglycaemic or insulin like principle, designated as plantinsulin which has been found valuable in lowering the blood and urine sugar level. It is therefore wise to have liberally in diet of the diabetic patient for a long run.



*Confirmation whether you are suffering from diabetes by consulting your diabetologist.

**Accept the reality and abide your normal pace of life without much tension.

*** Lifestyle modification.

DIET: Plays an important role in diabetes management as 50% of the treatment depends upon diet rectification. Our diet has 3 major nutrients carbohydrates, protein, and fat. As carbohydrates have a major role to play as this converts into glucose in our body. Also avoid excess intake of proteins and fat which are transformed into sugar if taken in excess. The primary dietary consideration for a diabetic patient is strict lacto-vegetarian. Eat lots of vegetables, whole-grain, whole-wheat products, brown bread, fruits, nuts, and emphasis should be on raw foods as they stimulates pancreas and increases insulin secretion.

Recommend to have curd made form cow milk, sour fruits like tomatoes could be taken with much advantage. Have chapattis made of flour which has not been passed through sieve. Chose things that are rich in vitamin B and chromium which promotes Glucose Tolerance and it facilitates the transport of glucose into the cells and not allow glucose into the blood glucose level to rise. Avoid especial non-veg, cereals, sugar and its preparation heavy meals, deep fries, and spicy dishes. Take less fats especially saturated fats like ghee, butter.

EXCERCISE: Regular exercise can help you to lower your blood glucose levels, improve blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, helps to reduce your stress and thereby improve your physical condition. Exercise like gardening, swimming, deep breathing, jogging, indoor games, long walk, etc., are best applied. Remember that the disease strikes generally those who lead a sedentary life.

STRETCH MANAGEMENT: Management of mental stretch plays an important role, as stretch increases glucose level.


Diabetes is known as prosperous disease. It commonly strikes to those who take rich diets, obese, wealthy, over eating people. It is characterised by excess glucose in the urine and high level of blood glucose. Our body converts the food into sugar. Insulin which is produced by pancreas helps to absorb the sugar from the blood and utilise for energy. In case of diabetes pancreas become inactive and cease to produce insulin, the body is unable to convert the sugar into energy for the muscle.


The first step is to accept the reality in coping with this problem. Diabetes adversely affects your quality of life and prevents you from leading a normal way of living. If you don't control them, they will control you. They should have a tight control on diet and life style. Mental, stress, grief, anxiety has a great influence on the metabolism which may cause sugar to appear in the urine. In long term saliently it causes irreversible damage to multiple organs like nerves, heart, blood vessel, eyes, and kidney etc., Which further threatens your life leading to heart attack, blindness, kidney failure and foot infection that may necessary require amputation.


*Normal blood sugar levels

Fasting 80-120 mg/dl

Pre meal less than 130 mg/dl

Post meal less than 160 mg/dl

* Anything above these level can be termed as diabetic levels.


A diabetic patient feels very thirsty, hungry most of the time even after fulfilling their appetite, they don't put weight and gets tired easily physically and mentally, often wants to urinate, and they might feel drowsy, general weakness, pale, anaemic, constipation, itching around the genital organs, has a lower sex urge. A serious complication could be gangrene of the lower extremities.


Premature greying of hairs is an abnormal condition of hair. It makes even younger chap looks older. Normally as age advances the hair has tendency to lose its natural colour. Sebum is an oily source which is secreted by sebaceous glands of scalp and provides nutrition to the hair roots for lustres hair, black pigmentation, lengthening of hairs etc.


Throw away mental worriness, make your sleep complete, have enough of water daily, lack of vitamins B, iron, copper, iron in the diets. Other contributing factors are unclean condition of scalp, using hot water for washing hair, using electric dryer, using harsh shampoo and soap for hair and another unavoidable predisposing agent is heredity background.


* MASSAGE scalp often with cold water or homemade oil which activates sebaceous glands and enhance the blood circulation.

** Let your last hair rinse be with MARGOSA LEAVES (neem) decoction which stabilize its blackness.

*** Regular intake of CURRY LEAVES in any form is advice sable. In which they also prevents greying and maintain its black pigmentation.

**** Reconsider your daily intake, giving more importance to thinks which has richly in VITAMINS B, IODINE, IRON etc. such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, soya bean, brown rice, sunflower seeds, and green leafy vegetables, etc.

***** Above all include my previous suggestion on ## ANSWER 2 HAIR FALLS.

+++ There are many more just try them first. I'll be there with your more SAVE THEM WITH.


Dandruff generally refers to dry scaly shed from the scalp; applied normally shed of epidermis as well as to excessive scaly material associated with disease of dermatitis. This condition becomes troubles some with itching, the scalp turns red from scratching and the head becomes irritate with much unusual tension.

It’s really a ruff tuff condition when we cannot handle to exit these anointing circumstances i.e. falls like a snow when we comb or brush or scratches on our face, well dressed clothes especially on shoulders.


Check It Out: Get rid of metabolic problems like constipation, avoid harsh shampoo, have a personal brush or comb, avoid mental tension, stress, exhaustion and keep your hair clean by washing thrice a week with mild shampoo preferably with natural shampoo as I've advice in hair falls. Above all get along with previous ## answer 2 your hair falls.

                * CURD! Terrified reading this? YES, it works wonderfully. Curd is considered a valuable conditioning of hair, curd should be applied right into the hair root and massage for half an hour and keep it for hours and lastly rinse with mild shampoo. Continue this twice a week till you get the promising results, besides that wah! See how your hair looks like.

                * LIME! Yes it’s fantastic natural soft drinks yet on the other side it gives you a great amazing tonic for your hair. Try this--- Take some teaspoon of fresh lime juice add some water and use as your last rinse while washing your hair. Trying this no doubt you’ll forget your dandruff problem.

                * Fenugreek seeds!!! We use them in every dish. This is also known for its wonderful medicinal property likewise in dandruff. This is soaked in water about 2 teaspoons of it and ground into a fine paste and applied on the scalp with mild massage and next you know what? Rinse with fresh water and your last rinse with lime water.

Hi dand CHAMP

I know this will do enough, If your hair is still ruff come on ask me!!!!