Diabetes is known as prosperous disease. It commonly strikes to those who take rich diets, obese, wealthy, over eating people. It is characterised by excess glucose in the urine and high level of blood glucose. Our body converts the food into sugar. Insulin which is produced by pancreas helps to absorb the sugar from the blood and utilise for energy. In case of diabetes pancreas become inactive and cease to produce insulin, the body is unable to convert the sugar into energy for the muscle.
The first step is to accept the reality in coping with this problem. Diabetes adversely affects your quality of life and prevents you from leading a normal way of living. If you don't control them, they will control you. They should have a tight control on diet and life style. Mental, stress, grief, anxiety has a great influence on the metabolism which may cause sugar to appear in the urine. In long term saliently it causes irreversible damage to multiple organs like nerves, heart, blood vessel, eyes, and kidney etc., Which further threatens your life leading to heart attack, blindness, kidney failure and foot infection that may necessary require amputation.
*Normal blood sugar levels
Fasting 80-120 mg/dl
Pre meal less than 130 mg/dl
Post meal less than 160 mg/dl
* Anything above these level can be termed as diabetic levels.
A diabetic patient feels very thirsty, hungry most of the time even after fulfilling their appetite, they don't put weight and gets tired easily physically and mentally, often wants to urinate, and they might feel drowsy, general weakness, pale, anaemic, constipation, itching around the genital organs, has a lower sex urge. A serious complication could be gangrene of the lower extremities.