Health Pillar - II

Father and Mother have a wide range of role to play while moulding up a child. Their future health depends how you brought them up. You should bring them up in such a way that their physical, mental and spiritual be off a great value. Bible says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
God has given a great responsibility to father and mother towards their children’s life. Every parent hearts are on their children, but their love should not spoil them. Timely instruction, correction and punishment should be maintained so that they will be thoroughly furnished in all direction. Seek Gods help and wisdom as you train up your children. That will show your marriage prosperity.
Parents cannot ignore the responsibility how to bring up a child to a perfect adulthood. We cannot blindly speak off telling we don’t know how to take care, no time or i don't know anything about children’s mentality, so God will take care. That way of approach is wrong we can see how they behave and hear what they talk. Bible says in Proverbs 20:11 "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work is being pure, and whether it is right."We should gently handle the situation while correcting them and when we see them doing wrong, diverting their mind to some other objects will help too. Don’t ever correct your children with angriness instead hold down your angriness and make them to understand. suppose you have beaten the kid for his wrong deed or dirty words don’t stop there keeping quit instead after a while bring them lovingly in your arms and tell I am sorry for that and make them understand why you have beaten and tell him not to repeat again. Friend circles are very important influence. A child learns or catches up very quickly knowingly or not knowing what the others do or says. If his or her friend is quarrelsome, automatically your kid becomes quarrelsome. The best way is mother to be her own kid’s friend. There is none other than we mother to be with them. Children learn a lot from parents too. But husband and wife don’t ever quarrel or exchange dirty words when your children are there. Always show your cheerful and warming hearts even so to others. Play with them, eat with them, sleep with them, work with them (they will help you too),go walking together, sit, pray and sing with them etc. Always keep a close relationship with your kid. Make a friendly environment with your kids rather than his boss. Keep your house a loving, peaceful, joyful and attractive circle that will up lift their mentality. Once you set all this mentality strong you are going ahead with other two pillars foundation.
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