Constipation is an unnatural and abnormal condition of digestive tract. It means hardening of stool, with difficult to void stool. This condition is the chief cause of many diseases as it produces toxin in the body. Diseases like rheumatism, gout, obesity, appendicitis, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, many skin problems etc.
If your body is unable to expel the waste matter after the digestive organ have taken essential elements it leads to further putrification which leads to poisoning of the whole system. When you are suffering from constipation you might have:
Headache, dizziness, dullness, heaviness, fullness of abdomen, inactive, coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, depression, unclean skin like pimples, boil, nausea, dark circle under the eyes, restless sleep, acidity, pain in lumbar region, heart burns, irritation, flatulence, etc.
· Because most of the causes are due to faulty diet and life style of living.
· You are gone far from natural way of living.
· To cop up with this civilization, we make short cuts which directly affects our system.
· Intake of refine and rich foods lacking in vitamins and minerals.
· Insufficient intake of water.
· Large consumption of non-veg.
· Insufficient chewing of our meals.
· Weakness of abdominal muscle due to sedentary habits.
· Lack of physical activity.
· Stress and strain way of living.
· Frequent use of purgatives.
· Lack of salads and green vegetables in your diets.