Dandruff generally refers to dry scaly shed from the scalp; applied normally shed of epidermis as well as to excessive scaly material associated with disease of dermatitis. This condition becomes troubles some with itching, the scalp turns red from scratching and the head becomes irritate with much unusual tension.

It’s really a ruff tuff condition when we cannot handle to exit these anointing circumstances i.e. falls like a snow when we comb or brush or scratches on our face, well dressed clothes especially on shoulders.


Check It Out: Get rid of metabolic problems like constipation, avoid harsh shampoo, have a personal brush or comb, avoid mental tension, stress, exhaustion and keep your hair clean by washing thrice a week with mild shampoo preferably with natural shampoo as I've advice in hair falls. Above all get along with previous ## answer 2 your hair falls.

                * CURD! Terrified reading this? YES, it works wonderfully. Curd is considered a valuable conditioning of hair, curd should be applied right into the hair root and massage for half an hour and keep it for hours and lastly rinse with mild shampoo. Continue this twice a week till you get the promising results, besides that wah! See how your hair looks like.

                * LIME! Yes it’s fantastic natural soft drinks yet on the other side it gives you a great amazing tonic for your hair. Try this--- Take some teaspoon of fresh lime juice add some water and use as your last rinse while washing your hair. Trying this no doubt you’ll forget your dandruff problem.

                * Fenugreek seeds!!! We use them in every dish. This is also known for its wonderful medicinal property likewise in dandruff. This is soaked in water about 2 teaspoons of it and ground into a fine paste and applied on the scalp with mild massage and next you know what? Rinse with fresh water and your last rinse with lime water.

Hi dand CHAMP

I know this will do enough, If your hair is still ruff come on ask me!!!!


If you have  problems with your hair try this secrets tips for healthy hair before visiting a trichologist. It's not a mountain high problem but to understand the trichopathy. Let us try to know what individual feels.

* What hairs are made up of?

* Why do hair falls?

* Oh! this dandruff is really !

* He is young, how comes grey hair?

* Why my hair ends splits?

* My hair looks dirty and dull...

* How comes lice on my head?



Even though hair is not much essential but it aids in personality beauty. However any trichopathy provoke ones mentality to a great extent. Papilla which is the base up growth actually produces the hair by a special group of cells turns amino acids into keratin, which is a type of protein.



Alopecia (loss of hair) is mainly due to lack of attention towards it. Many of us doesn't feel it’s part of our body only when the head itches. The real culprits are inadequate nutrition, lack of sleep, long standing illness, strong medication, mentally stress, unclean condition of scalp, constipation, and heredity.



There are magic in nature way of concern towards alopecia. Here are some of them you can try for apart from rectifying the causes. Avoid washing your hair daily just twice or thrice a week. Avoid washing your hair with soap or any harsh shampoo. Brush your hair properly before shampooing your hair. Comb and dress you hair gently. Use natural way of drying your hair by exposing to sunlight restrain using hair drier as far as possible. Massage your scalp once in a while with coconut oil so as to energise your blood circulation. Avoid washing head with hot water.Choose mild natural shampoo and odourless oil for your hair. You can make your own hair oil by taking some time preparing them. Dried amla are boiled with coconut oil, preserve them to use often. That will give you many good results and fine texture as you go on using it. Let your last rinse be with the decoction of margosa leaves (neem leaves). Let this homemade shampoo be your chose by mixing same quantity of amla juice and lime juice, as they have multiple benefits for your hair.

For more details feedback your standing condition. Let me learn more about to clear your existing problems.


It is the duty of every married couple to studiously avoid marring the feelings of each other. They should control every look and expression of fretfulness and passion. They should study each other's happiness, in small matters as well as in large, manifesting a tender thoughtfulness in acknowledging kind acts and little courtesies of each other. These small things should not be neglected, for they are just as important to the happiness of man and wife as food is necessary to sustain physical strength. The father should encourage the wife and mother to lean upon his large affections, kind, cheerful, encouraging words from him with whom she has entrusted her life happiness will be beneficial to her than any medicine, and cheerful rays of light which such sympathizing words will bring to the heart of the wife and mother will reflect back their own cheering beams upon the heart of the father.

"A temperate father will not complain if he has no great variety upon his table. If parents had lived healthfully, being satisfied with simple diet, much expense would have been saved. The father would not have been obliged to labour beyond his strength in order to supply the wants of his family. “Before the Christian father leaves his home to go to his labour, he will gather his family around him and bowing before God will commit them to the care of the chief Shepherd. He will then go forth to his labour with the love and blessing of his wife and the love of his children, to make his heart cheerful through his labouring hours. And that mother who is aroused to her duty will realize the obligations resting upon her to her children in the absence of the father. She will feel that she lives for her husband and children.

Men and women, by indulging the appetite with rich and highly- seasoned foods, especially flesh meat and gravies and by using stimulating drinks, as tea and coffee, create unnatural appetites. The system becomes fevered, the organs of digestion become injured, and the mental faculties are beclouded. The appetite becomes more unnatural and more difficult to restraint. The circulation is not equalized and the blood becomes impure. The whole system is deranged, and demands of appetite become more unreasonable, craving exciting, hurtful things, until it is thoroughly depraved. The indulgence of the appetite in first eating food highly seasoned created a morbid appetite, and prepared the way for every kind of indulgences, until health and intellect were sacrificed to lust.

Extracted from "Solemn Appeal" written by Ellen G. White.


A well-disciplined family who obey God will be cheerful and happy. The father, when he returns from his daily labour, will not bring his perplexities to his house, he will feel that home and the family circle are too sacred to be marred with unhappy perplexities. When he left his home, he did not leave his saviour and his religion behind. Both were his companions. The sweet influence of his home, the blessing of his wife and love of his children, make his burden light, and he returns with peace in his heart and cheerful encouraging words for his wife and children, who are waiting to joyfully welcome his coming. As he bows with his family at the altar of prayer to offer up his grateful thanks to God for His preserving care of himself and loved ones through the day, angels of God hover in the room, and bear the fervent prayers of God fearing parents to heaven, as sweet incense, which are answered by returning blessing.

The father should study how to make the mother happy. He should not allow himself to come to his home, with a clouded brow. If he is perplexed in business, he should not unless it is actually necessary to counsel with his wife, trouble her with such matters. She has cares and trails of her own to bear, and she should be tenderly spared every needless burden.

The desire of men and women to accumulate properly is not sinful, if, in their efforts to attain their object, they do not forget God and transgress the last six precepts of Jehovah, which dictate the duty of man to his fellow-man, and place themselves in a position where it is impossible for them to glorify God in their bodies and spirits which are His. If, in their haste to rich, they overtax their energies and violate the laws of their being, they place themselves in a condition where they cannot render to God perfect service, and are pursuing a course of sin.

Parents should not increase their families any faster than they know that their children can be well cared for and educated. A child in the mother's from year to year in is a great injustice to her. It lessens, and often destroys, social enjoyment, and increases domestic wretchedness.

The husband violates the marriage vow and the duties enjoined upon him in the word of God when he disregards the health and happiness of the wife by increasing her burdens and cares by numerous offspring. "Husbands, love your wives even as Christ loved the church,(Ephesians 5:25) and gave Himself for it so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no men ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherishedth it, even as the Lord the church."

Fathers, especially are often guilty of manifesting less care for wife and children than that shown to cattle. A merciful farmer will take time and devote special thoughts as to the best manner of managing his stock, and will be particular that his valuable horses shall not be over worked, overfed, or fed when heated, lest they ruined. He will take time and care for his stock lest they be injured by neglect, exposure, or any improper treatment and his increasing young stock depreciate in value. He will observe regular period for their eating, and will know the amount of word they can perform without injuring them. In order to accomplish this he will provide them only the most the healthful food, in proper quantities and at stated periods. By thus following the dictates of reasons farmers are successful in preserving the strength of their beasts. If the interest of every father for his wife and children corresponded to that care manifested for his cattle, in that degree their lives are more valuable than the dumb animals, there world be an entire reformation in every family and human misery be far less.        



These days parents are so busy with their official works and slowly started ignoring basic needs for their children. They don't have much time to spend with the children around the table for breakfast or to play with them or tell them some stories. Especially mothers we are all in one but none of master. We are a physician, nurse, baby sitter, nutritionist, a good chief cook, beautician, singer, etc of course a good mother and wife. So shall we not forget our responsibility as all in one that we are building and maintaining our family's health . When children are healthy credits goes to father where else when children is sick credit goes to mother. So let's try to make more credits to our husband.

The serious situation is, most of the problem (illness) starts from imbalance diets which is placed on the table for our children to eat. Knowingly or unknowingly we do the same mistakes. It's a high time to reform your family's table. Set a proper timing for food (breakfast, lunch, dinner), playing, watching T.V, study, sleep, rest, work etc. Don't make many varieties of dishes at one meal. Avoid mixing many vegetables in a dish. Make in such a way that you don't repeatedly cook the same item day after days. Daily make them to have curd, fresh salads such a carrot, cabbage, tomato, radish, onion, cucumber, lettuce, colander leaves, mint, and sprouted grams etc. Dishes should be simple and palatable. Avoid over cooked foods, highly seasoning with hot capsicum, spices, oily, deep fried, ghee etc. Bring up your children with less non-veg items or best is not at all. Don't give much space to eatables like cake, sweets, biscuits, chips, ice-cream and artificial drinks, tea, coffee etc. Daily give them fresh fruits (not over ripe), dried fruits nuts, 2-3 glasses of milk without sugar(for sweetening you can add jaggery or honey), lots of greenly leaves.

Another important part is that don't let them see T.V while eating food. Gather all your children and eat together happily with thanks giving. Teach them to eat cheerfully and let them chew their food properly. Avoid over eating, eating hurriedly but slowly. Give them plenty water to drink avoid while eating food just a mouthful after meals. Teach them to have 30 minutes before and 1 hour after the meals.

Take them for morning and evening walk. Take them out near the country side to view the nature. Teach them a good posture to sit. Give time to play around. Children are happy if we mother or father play with them. Keep children always warm provided with comfortable outfits and avoid sleeveless clothing and long pants for girls. Depend upon natural treatment for acute diseases. Message whole body and head under the sunlight thrice a week with mild baby oil. Brush teeth daily after each meal and also change the brush every four months. Keep their nails short and tidy. Dear mother, suppose if those things are maintain, really you are a good mother in this world and she or he is very lucky to have such a caring mother like you. I am sure your kids will be very healthy and wise.


Spiritual strong children can overcome with any worldly BAD TEMPTATION like bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction, chewing pan), bad moral characters, adulteration, thieves, hatred, anger, fights, covetous, intemperance, etc Romans 8:6 tells "...spiritually minded is life and peace." And also in Proverbs 25:28 admits "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

Spiritual strong is the main root foundation of each individual human being. When the sown seeds are not nourished on time with proper sufficient natural sources like water, sunlight, soil etc it is sure to die, but with well services to the plant in return gives fruitful harvest. Likewise children are dependent on natural spiritual sources from Godly parents for their fruitful healthy living. Parents or elders have to guide them by unfolding the true way of life. Direct them what are good and bad ways that will prosper or hinder their life respectively. Make them to understand the purpose of living in truth. Far more let them know how preciously God had design our body with various organs, its functioning systems and if we don't take care of it there will be a grievous consequences. Teach them our body is very important to be defile with unwanted bad things and for God dwells in us. The Bible questions us in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

Foundation is a great word to be considered for children. After all selection of education location should be well choosed. School be such a place that your children has an opportunity to learn not only worldly knowledge but also the word of God. Beside when they are small teach them how to pray, sing, tell them Bible stories rather than fiction fairy tales, make them to memorize short Bible verses and write them in their own diary or book for child's interest. If your children likes reading books choose for them that is useful for them and books which gives them moral lessons. Regarding music that you play at home is another topic to be thought off by parents. Things to be thought off regarding your music is that when you play noisy, romantic, sentimental, any securial songs, religious songs what will our children's influence running in their mind. Take them to church every Saturday and let them take part in children kindred garden class. In church they will learn many things like manner, discipline, respect, moral character, humble, love themselves and their neighbours, truth, health/body concern, more about God and His love etc.

Dear parents once again let me repeat the verse "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Speaking the fact as a child grew up to attend adulthood. There are many satanic culprits that spoil their life. Unfortunately some dies of due to threatening illness, like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, AIDS etc. Some gets addiction to drugs like morphine, heroin, poisoning, due to over dose they have to scarifies their life. Some are taped in bad habits like strong drinks like alcohol, beer, tobacco products etc, and above all some falls in moral less character having many life partners, adulteration at last they end up their life by getting sexual transmitted disease like AIDS. Depression is also another satanic culprit which leads many youngsters and old men to suicide. Some end up their life in jail , everyone knows the reason why? Some died due to natural calamities. Dear parents it's a very difficult task to bring a child unless you don't rely on God who has created them.

Proverbs 22:6. Let us seek Gods wisdom, James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."      

Health Pillar - II

Father and Mother have a wide range of role to play while moulding up a child. Their future health depends how you brought them up. You should bring them up in such a way that their physical, mental and spiritual be off a great value. Bible says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
God has given a great responsibility to father and mother towards their children’s life. Every parent hearts are on their children, but their love should not spoil them. Timely instruction, correction and punishment should be maintained so that they will be thoroughly furnished in all direction. Seek Gods help and wisdom as you train up your children. That will show your marriage prosperity.
Parents cannot ignore the responsibility how to bring up a child to a perfect adulthood. We cannot blindly speak off telling we don’t know how to take care, no time or i don't know anything about children’s mentality, so God will take care. That way of approach is wrong we can see how they behave and hear what they talk. Bible says in Proverbs 20:11 "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work is being pure, and whether it is right."We should gently handle the situation while correcting them and when we see them doing wrong, diverting their mind to some other objects will help too. Don’t ever correct your children with angriness instead hold down your angriness and make them to understand. suppose you have beaten the kid for his wrong deed or dirty words don’t stop there keeping quit instead after a while bring them lovingly in your arms and tell I am sorry for that and make them understand why you have beaten and tell him not to repeat again. Friend circles are very important influence. A child learns or catches up very quickly knowingly or not knowing what the others do or says. If his or her friend is quarrelsome, automatically your kid becomes quarrelsome. The best way is mother to be her own kid’s friend. There is none other than we mother to be with them. Children learn a lot from parents too. But husband and wife don’t ever quarrel or exchange dirty words when your children are there. Always show your cheerful and warming hearts even so to others. Play with them, eat with them, sleep with them, work with them (they will help you too),go walking together, sit, pray and sing with them etc. Always keep a close relationship with your kid. Make a friendly environment with your kids rather than his boss. Keep your house a loving, peaceful, joyful and attractive circle that will up lift their mentality. Once you set all this mentality strong you are going ahead with other two pillars foundation.
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